Product Detection Sensor

Product Sensor Detection Application

Application Details

The customer required a reliable product sensor to detect a tube in a carton irrespective of the colour.

More Control Solution Provided

More Control supplied a Rechner M12 capacitive sensor to detect the tube was present in the carton. The machine was fitted with a Diffuse Photoelectric sensor but this had to be adjusted for different colours of product. The Rechner sensor was setup to detect if the carton was not empty and gave a reliable signal back to the PLC.

This simple yet effect sensor solution provided the customer with an efficient way of detecting products irrespective of the colour.

Part Number:

Budget Price: £200

Common types of industry for use of the Product Detection Sensor was in the Pharmaceutical industry.

Automation Applications

Office Address 

21 Drakes Mews
Crownhill Industrial Estate
Milton Keynes

Tel: 0345 00 00 400


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